Couples: how seeing an escort together can actually increase intimacy

18th August 2018

Couples: how seeing an escort together can actually increase intimacy

Last month, I gave some tips on maintaining romance in your relationship (if you haven’t read it, go do so now). I presented the slightly wacky but at the same time ultra-serious idea of a couple seeing an escort to help their sex life.

Unlike many escorts, I am genuinely bi-sexual, and get really turned on by other women. I have a fair few erotic encounters with couples, each one has been deliciously amazing, and fulfilling.

Having a professional third party for a ménage à trois means there is no threat to the relationship; an escort is not interested in romantically pursuing one of the couple. He/she merely wants to give pleasure and has a vested interest in their satisfaction. Think of it as a neutral teacher whose focus is on both parties. Favouritism is a problem with threesomes, and the focus can be often be on one person. It’s really important if a participant steps out the room, upon their return, to bring them back in so they can re-join.

An escort will respect the couples wishes, valuing their time, limits and desires. Despite media portrayals, a professional escort carries out his/her work safely at all times, meaning there is limited or no risk of catching a STD.

Compare all of this to finding someone from Craigslist, a site where you have no idea if the toaster you just purchased will work, let anyone having sex with someone!

Escorts can bring masses of experience in the bedroom, allowing the couple to learn new techniques to enhance their sex life (and therefore romance…see what I did there). He/she will know all the sensitive spots and can introduce new ways to induce pleasure, such as light bondage and various fetishes. What may have been a dull, repetitive process could now be exciting and thrilling.

So if you are in a relationship and wish to inject a hefty dose of romance into your sex life, why not give me a call? I would however advise discussing with your partner first. One tends to find one half of the couple is really up for it, and the other is coming along for the ride. Ménage à trois work best when all three parties are excited.

See, I’m not so nutty after all!