Everything In Moderation, Including Moderation

25th December 2017

Everything In Moderation, Including Moderation

has been brought to my attention by my hardcore regular, that my
twitter depicts me enjoying a gin and tonic far too often. He feels that
those who do not know me well enough yet will think I am a piss head.
Lol which is not true.

reality, as he well knows, is that sometimes I will drink in our
booking and a lot of the times I stick to water or genmaicha green tea
from kusmi. (product placement alert…)
did not think that reflecting a complete and true representation of my
fluid ingestion would make an exhilarating read for my followers. I omit
the boring bits, and simply report the crazy tipsy evenings.
And that’s how my twitter shall remain, my dear regular! 
can’t show my gents the REAL me! What next, tell them that I wear brora
cashmere socks to go to bed at night?! Don’t be ludicrous.

fans need to believe I am in a constant state of “Chanel”, or else this
entire site will burst into flames & implode with a lewd sounding 'pop!'